To The Woman Dating My Ex
Did he tell you that I was crazy, a manipulator, a liar, a cheater and that I abused him? Did you believe him?
I am sure that right now he is being the best boyfriend you have ever had. He is attentive, honouring your opinions and wishes. He is calm and patient. You feel like a princess.
It may take a long time before the first crack in his armour shows. My guess is that it will begin by him talking over you, interrupting when you are expressing an opinion. You will defer because it will be something that he is quite knowledgable about. You will believe that he was justified in interjecting. But, it will start happening more often and he will snap telling you that you don’t know what you are taking about. He will ask you how you can say something so stupid. That if you don’t know the facts, you should keep your mouth shut. This will probably confuse you and you will try to defend or explain yourself. Or he could make fun of you with a stranger, to show them that he is superior to you. When he gets angry with you, he will physically turn away and pretend you don’t exist. You will be left alone sitting there wondering what set him off this time. You will try to explain and defend yourself, thinking if only you tried hard enough he would be kind. If only you could figure out what you did wrong and how to fix it, he will treat you like a princess again.
The good news is, he has had a vasectomy so you won’t be having any children with him and my kids won’t have any half siblings. Good luck to you if you have your own children. If he can’t be bothered to have a meaningful relationship with his own children, it’s doubtful he will work hard to forge one with yours.
When he brought you to court, did you realize you were being used as a weapon? A mentally healthy person wouldn’t want a new girlfriend to hear that I have a protection order against him. He has hid over a hundred thousand dollars from me while claiming to be broke. He has cost me over a hundred and fifty thousand in legal fees that I can’t pay, due to his non-compliance and abusive behaviour. The children might lose their family home due to his financial abuse. Are you surprised that he hasn’t voluntarily paid child support ever? That the children and I went without any money from him for eight months until enforcement was able to collect some? Or did you believe him when he said it was my fault that we were struggling?
Did you wonder why you were there or do you believe all of his lies? Did you realize that he thought I would attend and was disappointed that I wasn’t there because he couldn’t show you off?
The same goes for you meeting our son. Why did he pretend that you couldn’t catch a cab? Did you believe him when he said that he wanted to be nice and give you a ride or did you see that it was so my son would tell me about you?
I hope you are smarter than this. I hope that you are stronger than I was and realize that what happened to me will happen to you. Get out before you are caught in his web. Get out while you still have a voice and can use it. I hope you run and don’t look back. Good luck.